Kintone Engineering Blog

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Announcing TopoLVM 0.3 & 0.4

By Banji Inoue (@binoue)

We are happy to announce that TopoLVM 0.4.0 is released. TopoLVM is a storage plugin for Kubernetes using LVM. It features dynamic provisioning and capacity-aware scheduling among others.

Here is news about the recent TopoLVM developments.

Community updates

Satoru Takeuchi and Kazuhito Matsuda from TopoLVM maintainers are giving a talk titled "Capacity-aware Dynamic Volume Provisioning For LVM Local Storage" in KubeCon EU 2020 Amsterdam*1. Come and see them!

We are gradually opening TopoLVM development for the vast open source community. So far, a Slack workspace is opened for everyone who wants to use or develop TopoLVM.

Further actions will be discussed in topolvm#88.

What’s new in TopoLVM 0.3 and 0.4

In these releases, two important features have been added to TopoLVM:

  1. Ephemeral inline volumes
  2. Volume expansion

Let's look into the details of these changes.

Ephemeral inline volumes

Ephemeral inline volume feature is to define volumes inlined in a Pod spec. The lifetime of such volumes will be the same as the inlined Pod. This is available for Kubernetes 1.16 and later versions as a beta feature.

This work was contributed by @matthias50.

For details, read the user manual.

Volume expansion

TopoLVM volumes can be expanded online or offline now.

To resize a volume, simply update the PVC to request the new volume size.

Other improvements

What will come next?

Check the milestones for upcoming features.

Special thanks

Kudos to @matthias50, @pohly, and @ridv.

We welcome contributions from anyone. If you are interested in using or developing TopoLVM, feel free to join the TopoLVM slack and ask whatever you like.

*1:This event has been postponed until July or August 2020 due to the coronavirus outbreak